Wedge Risk Management

 See every possible outcome. Know your odds. Realize exceptional performance for your innovative products, and drive critical projects to faster on time delivery through effective operational risk management.

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Ensure Feasibility

Our consultants assess your project from all angles to ensure operational & technical feasibility. This analysis is based on availability of resources, inherent project risk, and relevant market research.

Prevent Critical Delays

Using our WedgeRM analysis platform, we identify and quantify the highest priority risks that are most likely to impact on time delivery. Treating each risk indicator as a data point enables a more thorough risk assessment to support corrective and preventative actions.

Maximize Efficiency

We create a snapshot into the future so you know when certain risks will cause a delay, enabling you to allocate resources in advance. In cases where resources are limited, your team can focus on the task at hand while mitigating risk before its out of control

Reduce Risk Over Time

Our consultants weigh different indicators of risk within the scope of your projects and create projected “allowances” to drive project success.

 Product Development

 Project Management

 Lifecycle  Documentation

Operational risk management consulting & contract services for startups and small to mid-market companies.

Quality Management

Continuous Improvement

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How Can We Help?

Below are some examples of services we can provide, but are not limited to, with the experience we have on staff. Every advisory decision is supported by a detailed, statistically validated risk analysis. For further information on how we can help drive your operational successes, contact us

Project Management


Risk Analysis

Our WedgeRM platform allows us to analyze more risk indicators than a standard risk register without sacrificing speed, paints a detailed picture of potential risk within your project scope.


Plan Risk Management

We will help you optimize resource allocation by identifying when certain risk indicators are likely to impact the project, so you can plan preventative action items in advance.


Project Engineering

Our consultants are experienced in collaborative engineering, and will provide excellent analytical support for your team to drive projects to a successful conclusion.

Continuous Improvement


Cost Reduction

We will provide engineering analysis and advisory to support cost reduction activities such as consumables lifetime extension or qualifying alternative material sources.


Cycle Time Reduction

We will help identify areas where maintenance/changeover procedures and material processing can be optimized to accelerate product delivery.


Process Improvement

We will analyze the likelihood of success for a proposed process change and provide engineering resources to help qualify better processes.

Product Development


Value Engineering

We will analyze and project the lowest risk, lowest cost options to realize customer requirements earlier in the development lifecycle.


Feasibilty Analysis

Our team will assess your capabilities against customer requirements to close any gaps, and collaborate to identify internal resources that meet customer specifications.


Requirements Verification

We will evaluate and improve existing methods of validating customer requirements, and create documentation to support product development based on our analysis.

Lifecycle Documentation


Product Architecture

We’ll develop simple documentation processes to maximize traceability at a lower cost, so you can track design revisions without issue.


Gap Analysis

We’ll look for major gaps that could result in an escape based on your existing documentation, and create a statistically validated plan to prevent future failures,

Quality Management


Systems Evaluation

Our team will review existing quality controls, and help to establish your procedures and systems to safeguard against unexpected failures and escapes.


Protocol Development

We will develop protocols to optimize corrective & preventative actions, and ensure operator safety where needed.

Adam Lawyer | Principal & Co-Founder of Wedge Risk Management | Mechanical & Industrial Engineer

Founder’s Message

We share a passion for developing new technologies that change industries and lives, having been lucky enough to contribute to this mission throughout our careers. Companies around the world are developing new cures for diseases, automating technologies, and improving telecommunications at breakneck speeds. However, when big changes need to happen quickly, they can induce major risks to the organizations driving innovation. After countless whiteboard sessions, teleconferences, long nights, and confusing acronyms, we created Wedge Risk Management. Our goal is to make innovation happen, and we hope to play a part.